Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Remorse or Scheming?

Has the Bar Council been manipulated or coerced into hosting this dinner? That judicial reforms shall be unveiled at the dinner was a known fact. In spite of this, the Bar Council, Malaysia, has not seen fit to invite the Bench? Unbelievable! How could elementary protocol like this be ignored? It would be unbecoming of the Bar Council, Malaysia, to plead ”oversight” for this omission, which appears premeditated.

It really beats me to see certain quarters getting all excited about the event. How justice has been served with the announcement of financial compensations to the victims of the l988 Judicial Crisis and recognition of their exemplary contributions, may sound very good, but how sincere is the effort? A planned event, where one of the highlights of the evening was the announcement of the JAC, the Bench was snubbed! Why do I hear a very loud “We don’t want Judges here!”

The big question here is who is “we”. Is it the Bar Council, Malaysia? Or is it the government of the day, since they are the paymasters? If it was the government, then how on earth could the Bar Council, Malaysia, allow themselves to participate in this neat hoax? Why walk for justice?

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