Tuesday, July 15, 2008


9 p.m. tonight over TV9/Astro 119, Astro 501/502 shall have this debate between Shabery Cheek and Anwar. While Shabby Cheek has projected a very confident façade, the PKR side is kind of fuming that air time has been reduced to 52 minutes from the originally slated 90 minutes. If it does happen, it should be a lively debate and then we shall see who has more brains, the BN government or the PR think tank?

DSAI claims he has a plan on how to reduce fuel prices if they come to power and he is suppose to reveal it tonight! Let’s hope it is a plan that works, something that makes sense, something that’s gonna make the BN look stupid. Something tells me that in all probabilities, the BN is not too confident about their performance tonight. Originally, this debate was to be carried live on all networks, but I think because of their incompetence (which is their hallmark), the programme shall be aired live on TV stations which the rural folks shall have problems accessing! Notice that RTM 1 and 2 and TV3 is not airing the debate!

Personally I shall not be surprise, if the debate is not aired at all, they are very good at last minutes excuses, or worse, they’ll get Anwar behind bars and put the blame on the police for the failed debate! MALAYSIA BOLEH remember?

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