Friday, June 27, 2008


Was planning on reaching Penang yesterday, but so happens there was no connecting flight to Penang by the time I reach LCCT. Travel cheap my friend. It is much cheaper to travel by air nowadays if you were to really put your mathematics to test. With the cost of fuel jetting up to 2.70/litre + the toll + the energy + the swearing that you do + the possibility of getting yourself trapped by the speed limit + engine oil + tyres + wear and tear...well, lets fly guys...get high. At least the view of buns wiggling up and down the aisle is worth seeing and imagine...hahahaha.

Will be reaching Penang 2:30pm, 27/6/08 and hope to savour the delights before I leave and fly back to Timbuktu... My other half is not in Penang right now, enjoying with her family in London and Aberdeen for their sisters wedding, well, I'm left without transport in Pg. Lucky twotoner is available to pick me up..Been a long time since I last saw him. Had a lot of catching up to do too.

At the LCCT food court now writing this. Had about 2hrs to kill before my flight. Damn..What to do ha? Look at the MILF's? Hahahaha. None in that category so far.

Misai Nasi Kandar, Tajuddin Hussein...Here I come.

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