I'm not sending out this greetings to the Muslims only but to all Malaysians coz I consider all of us are Malaysians and we should be sharing all festivities without any prejudice...
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I'm not sending out this greetings to the Muslims only but to all Malaysians coz I consider all of us are Malaysians and we should be sharing all festivities without any prejudice...
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
There seem to be chaos among the leadership and of late, it is not unusual to find some of the leaders contradicting each other! Yes, differing opinions have surfaced, giving the impression that the leadership is fragmented and in total disarray! While there are some who are still beholden to the clueless Prime Minister, there are also others who have openly challenged his relevance to the party! To make matters worse, some are of the opinion that prolonging his stay may result in the immediate demise of the party, which is a good thing because that would spell the end of race-based politics in the country.
After 51 years of abuse, I guess the citizenry has had enough! From a naturally cultivated sense of goodwill and harmony, through years of interaction with each other, the UMNO led government after the Tunku, has successfully polarized the various communities in the country. It would be unfair to put the blame solely on UMNO. Equally guilty of the crime of fanning racial polarization are the MCA and MIC as well. Using culture as a camouflaged, they divided the nation into Malays, Chinese and Indians! While Mahathir encouraged us to look east, he was employing governance skills from even further east, i.e. to divide and rule! Even as I write, this senile old man is still saying that Malaysians do not mind race-based politics! Frankly, after 22 years of misrule, I wished he would just shut up and go play with his grandchildren, and may I add that it’d be best if he play dead! After all, his services are no longer required and soon we are going to have more honest, capable and responsible people running the country.
While the Home Minister has unleashed the dreadful Internal Security Act (a draconian law that allows detention without trial) on 3 people, one of whom, a journalist who has since been released, the de facto Law Minister has resigned, citing the abuse of the ISA, which makes his position untenable! Apart from him, both the Information Minister as well as the Education Minister had commented not so favorably about the use of this horrendous piece of legislature. Partners in the ruling coalition have also come out with guns blazing, speaking against the use of this law! BADawi is in bad shape! The most inept President has been tasked to keep UMNO and the ruling coalition from falling apart. A job he is ill equipped to accomplish, he neither has the skills nor the knowledge to do so. Ironically, this bungling Prime Minister has been credited with the largest mandate ever in UMNO’s history during the 2004 election.
Today is the 16th September 2008, a day when Anwar Ibrahim is suppose to take over the government. No, it has not happen, not yet, but I am hopeful. Malaysia on the threshold of a new era, one can just feel it. Yes, there is light at the end of the tunnel!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Perhaps this shall be the start of a mass exodus from UMNO and other BN components.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Claiming that these characters were guilty of inciting civil unrests, the blur Home Minister ordered their arrest under a law, which grants them zero recourse! The ISA is detention without trial. There are other existing laws under which these three could be charged, where the onus will be on the government to prove them guilty. However, this government has chosen to deny them a fair trial by invoking this horrendous law!
I am a simpleton and I swallow the blurred Minister’s explanation wholesale! So it seems the far-sighted but blurred Minister has effectively nipped the problem in the bud. Good for you, sir!
On the other hand, supporters of the aggrieved parties have also come out to calm the general public with the constant reminder of not taking to the streets. Now it’s getting to be mind boggling, apparently nobody wants any untoward incidents to occur, so how on earth are we caught in this ridiculous quagmire? Isn’t this much ado about nothing?
Or is someone trying to engineer something?
At time of writing, it has been reported that the Sin Chew Daily News reporter has been released. She was sent home at 4.15 p.m.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Just received news that RPK has been arrested under the ISA! I am sure the question on most minds in the country now would be “Why is Datuk Ahmad Ismail still walking around?”
I do not know what others think but to me, it is a case of gross dereliction of duty! Whilst I have stressed earlier that the ISA is a draconian law that should have been repealed, the point here is that it is an existing law and failure to execute it amounts to the non-performance of an obligation on the part of the AG!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The Muslims and Jews, though they hate each other, share similar beliefs in that things referred to as non-kosher, or locally known as ‘haram’ (an example of things ‘haram’ are dogs) are stuff one would not even touch with a 10-foot pole.
Now, I do not know if the UMNO Muslims in Malaysia were conned, or are they so dumb, that they are actually keeping ‘dogs’ without knowing that they have sinned! This sounds like a very sensitive issue, but if you hear me out, it becomes a non-issue! I am not talking about dogs as in dogs, the ‘binatang’ we know! Here, we are referring to two local species, albeit originating from China, and in local lingo, known as ‘chow kow’ or ‘chau kow’. Whatever ‘kow’, the connotation is not good! Let me explain, the former means ‘a bad dog’ while the latter means ‘a running dog’!
So, the fact remains, the UMNO Muslims have been keeping dogs...in the form of MCA and Gerakan! Both, to the Chinese community are dogs! The only problem is which kind of dogs are they? ‘Chow’ or ‘chau’? So, let me repeat, whichever the case, the connotation is not good!
A couple of days ago, both ‘kows’ talked super tough. Severing ties with UMNO Penang (I wonder why only at State level?), even threatening that their participation in BN shall be dependent on the kind of punishment to be meted out to the ‘has-been’ Datuk. The sentence passed by the UMNO Supreme Council, a 3-year suspension, sent the MCA and Gerakan into a frenzied elated stupor, as though justice has been served! Though I am one of those who concur that the ISA/Sedition Act are draconian laws, the gist of the matter is that these are existing laws in the country, but the law has not been allowed to take its course. Therefore, to experience such ecstasy as experienced by MCA and Gerakan, it is nothing more than a massive exercise to hoodwink the electorate! We, the Melayu, Cina, India, dll, in short, ‘Anak Bangsa Malaysia’ should realize that they are insulting our intelligence.
The majority of the population has dictated, as shown by the results of the last GE, that this should be a two party state, so let’s make sure that when the time comes, the MCA and Gerakan WILL NOT BE in that equation! There is a distinction between humans and animals though both are collectively known as mammals.
There is an old adage that says as long as it is a cat that catches mice, it does not matter whether it is black or white. But, in the case of dogs, as illustrated here, it is very much more complicated.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
There is hope yet for the country, do not despair. I would like to share another email I just received a couple of minutes ago. Thankfully, we still have honest sensible people in this country. It is Malay brethren like these that gives us hope.
Malay rights
By Shaik Rizal Sulaiman
The Malays are 'technically' in power governing the country but it is also this same controlling group that demands the right to correct economic imbalances and disparities for its own race.
What does this say about the 'majority governing' Malay race for the last 50 years?
I dare say that most Malaysians (regardless of race) below the age of 40 would like to see all opportunities be spread amongst those who deserve it on meritocracy.
We do not need the keris anymore to tell others to be careful of what they say and do because in the survival of the fittest, the keris is of very little relevance!
If we continue to hide under the 'bumiputera' tempurung as most Malays have been in the last 50 years or more, the catch-up game will just get harder and the gap wider.
If we continue to expect without earning it, we will never learn how to be a race that succeeds on merit. There is NO substitute for merit. The Malay politicians continue to shout about Malay rights and bumiputera rights because the very nature of our local politics is sadly racially biased.
In this day and age, a great nation is built upon joint success stories, meritocracy and the combined hard work of its people WITHOUT any fear or favour of racial biased politics governing our daily policies.
I am below 40 and as much as I love the 'idea' that Malaysia is tanah tumpahnya darah orang Melayu, I can't help but also feel that this country is for ALL Malaysians alike including the Chongs, the Kumars, the Xaviers, the Sings & Kaurs etc who were born on the same day in the same hospital as me here in Malaysia.
If we feel that WE (the Malays) deserve this country more than THEM , then WE (the Malays) should have shown them a long time ago that we deserve the 'control all' status.
We have to earn it. The policies FAILED because the very concept of Malay rights or the NEP/DEB is like a double-edged sword. On one hand, it aims to eradicate wealth disparity but on the other, it has made the Malays oblivious of what reality is. Our (Malays) success is only reflected in the 'perceived' political power which today can collapse in a matter of minutes. I would also like to see my children succeed in their country, Malaysia, for reasons that true success should be based upon, which are merit and hard work and NOT because they are Malays or bumiputeras. For as long as the Malays don't see this, there is very little point in fighting for Malay rights.
It just makes us look more ridiculous. We have taken this notion of being privileged a bit too literally in that it now simply means we want this country and its fruits all for ourselves without accepting the responsibilities that come with it. I blame the MALAY politicians for this because we want to only fight the cause without strategising for the true substance and need of the cause. We have been given fish all the while without being taught how to fish.
It's funny how two different generations can be so diverse in their thinking and the recent elections proved just that. We are no longer concerned with racial problems but more so the never-ending Malay agenda issues. The rakyat has spoken and the landscape has drastically changed. Is this change welcomed? Is it good?
The answer is 'NO'. Because we,the Malays, have been caught with our pants down - we are not ready to compete on any level playing field (we can't even compete on advantageous grounds!). Even with three or five more continuing policies for Malay rights or bumiputera privileges over the next 50 years, we will still be in exactly the same position as we are in today.
The truth hurts and the truth will always prevail. And the truth of what's to come will NOT go away. I am cynical perhaps because I feel that Malay rights is NOT relevant anymore. The right to be safe, to be treated fairly, to have a world-class healthcare and education, to enjoy equal prosperity, to have good governance, to live in a clean environment and to be war-free is what I want for my Malaysia. NOT for MY race to be artificially powerful.
If we want the Malays to fail, then by all means continue the fight for Malay rights. Go and polish your keris.
Shaik Rizal Sulaiman
Posted by Malaysian
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In recent months we have seen the Syariah Courts allowing quite a few Malays to exercise their rights to a third or fourth wife. Fair, the guy may be able to provide for the financial & conjugal needs of his wives. However, question here is when he has a dozen kids, will he be able to provide a decent education and life to his kids or will he demand for his 'Rights' for subsidy and aid and be a burden to the govt and society.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Well, the Datuk has declared that he will not apologize. Let’s see what the MCA and Gerakan can do about it. Personally, I do not expect much from these turncoats who are in politics only to enrich themselves.
Anyway it shall be interesting to see how they get out of this one.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
This is what I found in Wikipedia “An apology is a justification or defense of an act or idea, from the Greek apologia (απολογία). An apology can also be an expression of contrition and remorse for something done wrong.” It went on to explain that apart from “expression of contrition and remorse”, there is such a thing as a “non-apology apology”. It went further to explain the meaning of non-apology apology and I quote “A non-apology apology is a statement in the form of an apology that is nothing of the sort, a common gambit in politics and public relations. It most commonly entails the speaker saying that he or she is sorry not because of any realization on his or her own part, but rather only because a person who has been aggrieved is requesting the apology, expressing a grievance, or threatening some form of retribution or retaliation.
An example of a non-apology apology would be to say "I'm sorry if you were offended by my remarks" to someone who has been offended. This does not admit that there was anything wrong with the remarks made, and it subtly insinuates that the person taking offense was excessively thin-skinned or irrational in taking offense at the remarks in the first place.”
So was there an apology? If there was, is there any remorse? Personally I do not think so. This is a classic case of a politician taking the electorate for fools. Considering the fact that his apology was reported in all mainstream press except for the Malay press, available in Bernama’s English news, but not Bernama’s Malay news, it looks to me this is the non-apology apology that I learned from Wikipedia. In my opinion, even if it was a genuine apology this Ahmad Ismail should still be investigated for sedition. If he is not an UMNO member I believe he would be in the slammer by now! And if you do not believe me, go say something not so pleasant about them if you are not an UMNO man, and see what happens to you.
This Ahmad Ismail guy must be someone who commands considerable influence in the party, I mean for the Deputy President of a major political party who is also the Deputy Prime Minister of Bolehland to come to his defense, wow! In fact even the Prime Minister himself has come forward to defend his verbal diarrhea! Now, what baffles me is his disappearance, as far as I know there were no Statutory Declarations on this matter so far. Judging from past practices, they only disappear after making Statutory Declarations in Court!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
The MCA must not be saved
“Saving the MCA from itself” this is the title of an article I found in RPK’s “Malaysia Today”. I read it and I think the writer of this article must be thinking we are fools. Though he did mention stuff like the snoop squad and the propagation of the Ong Dynasty, I think, though I may be wrong, that this appeal to save the MCA, is merely an attempt to keep himself relevant in local politics.
The result of the last election has sent a very clear signal that the electorate has had enough of race-based politics and that the preferred arrangement would be a two party state. Saving the MCA will mean a continuation of race-based politics, something rejected by the electorate. Race based political parties like MCA, MIC and UMNO are obsolete and dangerous. The presence of parties with such ideologies will forever keep Malaysians divided. No race-based political parties can exist without championing the cause of their race, which means, “Bangsa Malaysia” will never take root, and that will be the great Malaysian tragedy!
It is ironical that whilst UMNO has been harping on “Ketuanan Melayu” (Malay supremacy), deep down, these guys are actually very British inside! The reason why I say this is because with the help of the others (MCA, MIC, Gerakan, etc.), UMNO has exhibited that they actually have this great British skill of “divide and rule”!
The MCA must not be saved. Over the last 51 years, and that is a long time, the MCA has only serve their UMNO masters, not the Chinese. Effectively, the MCA, has prostituted the Chinese since independence!
In order for the country to move forward, “Bangsa Malaysia” must be encouraged and nurtured, failing which, meritocracy shall only be a dream. Without meritocracy, it simply means the country will never use the best brains, and in today’s world, how far do you think the country can go?